Page 113 - User’s Manual
P. 113

dialog set
                                    dialog set Axis Ticker Number value. Axis Ticker Number value. Axis Ticker Number value.
                                    dialog set
        Change the axis label       Click
                                    Click Appearance Options on chart action menu. On Shape Data Appearance Options on chart action menu. On Shape Data Appearance Options on chart action menu. On Shape Data
                                    dialog, click Axis Label Orientation to change axis label orientation. Axis Label Orientation to change axis label orientation. Axis Label Orientation to change axis label orientation.
                                    dialog, click
        orientation                 dialog, click
                                    Click Hide/Show Legend on chart action menu. Hide/Show Legend on chart action menu. Hide/Show Legend on chart action menu.
        Hide/Show legend            Click
                                    Click Show Legend on Right/Bottom Side on chart action menu. Show Legend on Right/Bottom Side on chart action menu. Show Legend on Right/Bottom Side on chart action menu.
        Show legend on right /      Click
        bottom side of the line     This menu item is hidden when legend is hidden.

        Move legend                 Select legend sub shape > Move it to the position you want.
        Size legend                 Select legend sub shape > Drag handle to change its size.

        Scatter Plot Charts

        The operations you can do:

        Operation                  Description
        Load data from file        You can load data from Excel, csv and text file.

                                   You can copy example text below to newly created text (.txt) file. Save
                                   the source data, select a column chart shape, and click floating menu

                                   Load Data from File to load the text file.  Data from File to load the text file.  Data from File to load the text file.
                                   Data Points, Data 1, Data 2, Data 3, Data 4, Data 5, Data 6, Data 7, Data 8, Data 9, Data 10
                                   X, 50, 20, 10, 45, 30, 55, 69, 24, 80, 90
                                   Y, 55, 20, 55, 25, 35, 44, 36, 68, 58, 39
        Edit chart data            Select the point sub shape; click the floating action button to set X, Y

                                   position value.
        Add a point                Click
                                   Click Add a Point on chart action menu.  Add a Point on chart action menu.  Add a Point on chart action menu.
        Delete a point             Click Delete a Point on chart action menu. You can also select the Delete a Point on chart action menu. You can also select the Delete a Point on chart action menu. You can also select the

        Edraw Max                                                            

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