Page 109 - User’s Manual
P. 109

Kategorien, Kategorie 1, Kategorie 2, Kategorie 3, Kategorie 4, Kategorie 5, Kategorie 6 Series 1, 100, 85,
                                    66, 88, 58, 79 Series 2, 62, 55, 35, 59, 72, 89 Series 3, 78, 45, 25, 35, 65, 54

        Bearbeiten Diagrammdaten    Klicken Sie doppelt auf obige Zeile Punkt, um die Datenbeschriftung die Diagrammdaten zu bearbeiten und
                                    die Linienpunktposition ändert sich entsprechend der Geschwindigkeit der Punktwert

                                    und Achse max-Wert.

        Ändern Linienmarkierung     Wählen Sie eine Zeile Unter Form> Klicken Sie auf die Floating-Aktion-Taste, um seine zu ändern
        Stil                        Marker-Stil.

        Change the interval         Select the chart > Horizontally move the yellow diamond handle on

        between line                bottom of the second point (category).

        Set line style              Select a line sub shape; change its line style.

                                    Note: Hold Shift key and click the color bar on bottom of the Edraw  Hold Shift key and click the color bar on bottom of the Edraw  Hold Shift key and click the color bar on bottom of the Edraw  Hold Shift key and click the color bar on bottom of the Edraw
                                    window to change line color.
        Add a category              Click
                                    Click Add a Category on chart action menu. Add a Category on chart action menu. Add a Category on chart action menu.
                                    Click Delete a Category on chart action menu, you can also select Delete a Category on chart action menu, you can also select Delete a Category on chart action menu, you can also select
        Delete a category           Click
                                    the category sub shape and press
                                    the category sub shape and press Delete key to delete it. Delete key to delete it. Delete key to delete it.
                                    the category sub shape and press
                                    Click Set Category Number on chart action menu. The minimum Set Category Number on chart action menu. The minimum Set Category Number on chart action menu. The minimum
        Set category number         Click
                                    value is 1.
        Set series number           Click Set Series Number on chart action menu. The minimum value Set Series Number on chart action menu. The minimum value Set Series Number on chart action menu. The minimum value

        Edraw Max                                                            

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