Page 121 - User’s Manual
P. 121


        Keyboard Shortcut

        The keyboard shortcuts described in this Help topic refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other layouts may not
        correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. keyboard.

        Key            Function
        F1             Open the Help window.
        Ctrl+1         Select
        Ctrl+2         Text tool.
        Ctrl+Shift+v   Insert font symbol.

        Ctrl+3         Right-angle connector.
        Ctrl+Shift+3 Curved connector. Ctrl+4
                       Line tool.
        Ctrl+Shift+4 Straight Connector. Ctrl+5
                       Rectangle tool.
        Ctrl+6         Ellipse tool.
        Ctrl+7         Free line tool.
        Ctrl+8         Connection point tool.

        Ctrl+9         Crop tool.
        Ctrl+A         Select all.
        Ctrl+Shift+A Same angle. Ctrl+B
                       Font bold.
        Ctrl+Alt+B     Send back.
        Ctrl+Shift+B Send to back. Ctrl+C

        Ctrl+Shift+C Copy format. Ctrl+E
                       Pen tool.
        Ctrl+Alt+E     Pencil tool.
        Ctrl+Shift+E Lock shape's aspect. Ctrl+F
                       Font Setup dialog.
        Ctrl+Alt+F     Bring forward.
        Ctrl+Shift+F Bring to front. Ctrl+G

                       Save as graphics formats.
        Edraw Max                                                            

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