Page 117 - User’s Manual
P. 117

Size legend                     Select legend sub shape > Drag handle to change its size.

        Gauges Charts

        The operations you can do:

        Operation                       Description

        Load data from file             You can load data from Excel, csv and text file.

                                        You can copy example text below to newly created text (.txt) file.
                                        Save the source data, select a column chart shape, and click

                                        floating menu Load
                                        floating menu Load
                                        floating menu Load Data from File to load the text file.  Data from File to load the text file.  Data from File to load the text file.
                                         Caption, Name, Value Min Scale, Min, $100000
                                         Max Scale, Max, $300000 Current Value, Sales
                                         Volume, $156840 First Range, Basic, $150000
                                         Second Range, Target, $200000 Third Range,
                                         Stretched, $250000 Fourth Range, Perfect

        Edit chart data                 Double click data label to edit the chart data. The pointer position
                                        changes according to the value and axis max value.

        Set max and min scale           Click
                                        Click Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data
                                        dialog, edit
                                        dialog, edit
                                        dialog, edit Max Scale and Min Scale value. Max Scale and Min Scale value. Max Scale and Min Scale value. Max Scale and Min Scale value. Max Scale and Min Scale value.
                                        dialog, edit
                                        dialog, edit
        Hide/Show data labels           Click Hide/Show Data Labels on chart action menu. Hide/Show Data Labels on chart action menu. Hide/Show Data Labels on chart action menu.
                                        Click Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data Set Gauges Data on chart action menu. On Shape Data
        Set data precision              Click
                                        dialog click
                                        dialog click
                                        dialog click Data Precision to set the precision of data label and Data Precision to set the precision of data label and Data Precision to set the precision of data label and
                                        axis label.
        Edraw Max                                                            

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